
What We do

letters, envelopes, letter stack
Paper Invoices


Problem statement

In today’s digital era, traditional paper-based invoicing processes can be time-consuming, error-prone, and costly. Many businesses are still relying on manual invoice processing, which can lead to delays in payments, human errors, and difficulties in tracking and managing invoices. Additionally, it also poses environmental challenges as it involves paper usage, printing, and delivery. To overcome these challenges, it is essential to implement an e-invoicing system that can automate the invoicing process, reduce the manual workload, and enhance the efficiency of the billing process.

Therefore, the problem statement is to implement an e-invoice solution that enables businesses to streamline their invoicing process, improve accuracy, reduce costs, and improve cash flow. This system should be secure, easy to use, and comply with all relevant regulatory requirements. It should also offer features such as real-time tracking, automatic payment reconciliation, and integrations with other accounting and ERP systems. The implementation process should be smooth, and employees should be trained to use the new system effectively.

Advantages of using e-invoice

1. Time and cost savings: E-invoicing eliminates the need for manual processes such as printing, mailing, and data entry, which reduces the time and costs associated with invoicing.

2. Improved accuracy: E-invoicing minimizes human errors that can occur during manual data entry, leading to increased accuracy in the invoicing process.

3. Faster payments: E-invoicing facilitates faster payments, as invoices can be sent and received instantly, reducing the time it takes to process payments.

4. Enhanced security: E-invoicing offers a more secure way of sharing financial information as it is encrypted and transmitted over secure networks, reducing the risk of fraud and data breaches.

5. Better cash flow management: E-invoicing provides real-time visibility of invoice status and payment status, enabling businesses to manage their cash flow more effectively.

6. Increased efficiency: E-invoicing automation reduces the time and effort required to manage the invoicing process, freeing up resources to focus on core business activities.

7. Environmentally friendly: E-invoicing eliminates the need for paper-based processes, reducing the environmental impact of invoicing and promoting sustainability.

8. Overall, e-invoicing offers numerous advantages that can benefit businesses of all sizes, making it a valuable investment for those looking to streamline their invoicing processes and enhance their financial operations.


We propose to do away with these relic processes and embrace a fully automated E-invoicing process. Not only will your accountant thank you, millions of trees and wildlife can flourish indirectly from your action.

Process Automation

Problem statement

Many organizations are burdened with repetitive, manual tasks that are prone to human error, consume valuable time, and distract employees from more strategic work. These tasks can be tedious and time-consuming, leading to employee burnout and decreased job satisfaction. In addition, manual processes can be costly and inefficient, hindering business growth and reducing competitiveness.

However, automating these tasks using traditional software development approaches can be time-consuming, expensive, and require specialized technical skills. This can create a bottleneck for organizations seeking to improve their operations and stay competitive.

Therefore, organizations are looking for an efficient and cost-effective solution to automate their manual processes. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) provides a solution to automate these repetitive tasks using software robots, freeing up employees to focus on more valuable work. RPA offers many benefits, including increased efficiency, accuracy, cost savings, and scalability, and can be applied to a wide range of industries and business functions. The challenge is to identify the right processes to automate and ensure that RPA is implemented effectively to achieve maximum benefits.

5 advantages of using Automation

1. Increased efficiency: RPA bots can perform repetitive, rules-based tasks much faster than humans, without getting tired or making mistakes. This means that processes can be completed more quickly and with greater accuracy, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

2. Cost savings: Since RPA can automate tasks that are typically done by humans, it can help reduce labor costs and free up employees to focus on more valuable tasks. Additionally, RPA can help reduce errors and rework, which can also lead to cost savings.

3. Improved accuracy: RPA bots follow rules and processes consistently and accurately, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing the quality of work. This can be especially important in tasks that require a high degree of accuracy, such as financial reporting or compliance.

4. Scalability: RPA bots can be easily scaled up or down depending on business needs, allowing organizations to quickly adapt to changes in demand or process volume. This flexibility can help organizations stay agile and responsive to changes in the market.

5. Better employee experience: By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, RPA can help reduce employee burnout and increase job satisfaction. This can lead to a happier and more engaged workforce, which can in turn improve overall business performance.


We have an expert team that can help you map out your business process and identify manual activities suitable for automation. Once you’re free from the shackles of these repetitive tasks, there are so much more productive and interest things you can take on.

We have an expert team that can help you map out your business process and identify manual activities suitable for automation. Once you’re free from the shackles of these repetitive tasks, there are so much more productive and interest things you can take on.

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